How to take care of mental health? Do it with Mindy! 🧠

February 21, 2022

Head and mind – two sides of Bieg Firmowy

The constantly increasing pace of life and new civilization challenges are a challenge for the mental condition. The conditions under which we were forced to function during the pandemic verified our ability to deal with stress and fear. During the years of education, however, they didn’t teach us how to deal with anxiety and distraction. Development in the area of mental condition doesn’t have to be only about reacting to unfavorable stimuli. It can also be a support on the way to the goal, for example on the way to the finish line during the 5 km Bieg Firmowy with your team.

Athletes are more and more willing to talk about the importance of caring for the psyche in sport and the development of mental skills. This makes people from the world of sport more willing to explore this subject and want to learn new skills.

Sports psychology, although it’s not a completely new field, is still not as popular in Poland as, for example, in the United States. However, it must be admitted that this has recently started to change, and this area is developing more and more. In sports psychology, knowledge and psychological skills are used to improve results, but also to take care of well-being and personal development as a whole.

Do you know that there is a concept of “positive sport” (Poczwardowski et al. 2012)? It assumes that the activity is used to develop and improve skills in the field of physical fitness, technical, tactical and team aspects, directly related to sports competition. In addition, it simultaneously achieves goals unrelated to sport – maintaining well-being, mental and social development.

By participating in sport, we invest in the self-fulfillment of all members of the group. Positive sport also serves to create role models in social and cultural terms. The approach to the positive psychology of sport best reflects what can be gained through sports development, and also emphasizes that not only players are involved. Coaches, close relatives of athletes, sports physiotherapists or management boards of sports clubs and organizations play a huge role.

Meet Mindy!

Surely you know the old Polish saying that “prevention is better than cure”. It’s hard to disagree with that, isn’t it? But sometimes it’s even more difficult to implement preventive measures. Both in the area of physical and mental health. Company teams taking part in Bieg Firmowy are definitely getting ready to cover 5 km with workouts and runs. The motivation and strength of mind are also inseparable from the form of muscles. Probably sometimes it was your head that pushed you forward when your legs seemed to be at the end of their endurance.

That is why we have prepared a month of “Mental training” for the participants of Bieg Firmowy in cooperation with the Mindy application. Thanks to this, every runner can take care of his mental well-being and personal development. At any time, always at hand on your phone.

Mindy is the largest Polish application for mental wellbeing (Mental Health & Wellness App). It uses psychoeducation, mindfulness, methods of coaching and therapy, relaxation and improving the quality of sleep techniques. Content created by certified trainers and experienced psychologists.

Everyone has the chance to develop peace and the full potential of mind. Certified trainers and experts have prepared for you nearly 400 hours of courses, meditation, exercises for sleep and relaxation, knowledge and music. It’s not magic, it’s brain science. With Mindy, 15 minutes of mind training becomes a habit, just like brushing your teeth every day.

To fully enjoy the results, practice must become a habit. Just as we take care of our body by choosing the right meals and exercise, we should also take care of our head regularly. Building a habit isn’t always easy. Fortunately, there are a number of tools available to help you change your lifestyle or include the next steps on your way to your goal.
Especially for you

This year, we have prepared an additional training before Bieg Firmowy. Mindy and we are announcing March as “Mental Training” Month! What can each participant of this year’s edition use?

As part of the cooperation with the Mindy application, additional options that await runners are:

  • month of “Mental Training” in the Mindy app;
  • dedicated “Bieg Firmowy” collection in the Mindy app throughout March;
  • free access to the premium version of the Mindy application (details will be sent to each participant by e-mail);
  • consultation plan with experts in the field of mental health and mindfulness for the best team of Bieg Firmowy 2022;
  • surprise for the teams of Bieg Firmowy 2022;

All you need to do is find a place and time to focus on your breath, mind and body in peace. You can take care of your mental well-being anywhere and at any time – you don’t need any equipment, mats or a timer.

Join Mindy’s Mental Training and make sure your team is training the mind as well – just like muscles!

Sign up and join the 10th edition of Bieg Firmowy!

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