5 ways to run during the hybrid Biegu Firmowego

May 22, 2021

We often hear (or rather read,,,) your questions; “But how do I actually run in Bieg Firmowy?”, or “What does “hybrid event” or “hybrid relay race” actually mean?”. Here are the answers! We answer!

One can participate in the event in many possible ways- that is a great advantage of the hybrid formula of the event. You can choose the solution most suitable for you, considering ie:

  • your attitude towards current pandemics situation (for the day of May 22nd)
  • your employer’s attitude towards current pandemics situation (for the day of May 22nd)
  • your creativity and willingness to integrate.
Below we present 5 most popular solutions:
1. One-(wo)man show,an independent relay race

W tej opcji możecie biegać niezależnie: w dowolnej kolejności, w dowolnym miejscu, w dowolnym czasie.. Wystarczy, że Wasze miejsce ma dostęp do internetu i GPS, a czas w którym biegniecie to czas wydarzenia tj. 22 maja w godzinach 00:01 – 23:59 . Visible in In the application, the order of competitors is conventional, so you do not have to run “one by one”.

This option allows you for running independently: any order, any place, any time.

Your location just needs to have access to Internet and GPS, and the time at which you perform the run falls within the framework of the event: May 22nd, between 00:01 and 23:59. The order of the participants visible in the app is not mandatory, so you do not have to run “one by one”.

  • By choosing this solution, you avoid meetings and have fun online.
  • By choosing this solution you avoid meetings and can run at the time most suitable for you.

It is a great solution for:

teams from companies in which the sanitary restrictions are strictly followed and that do not allow employees for meeting each other; teams that have difficulties in organising the meeting at one point and/or time. 2. Passing the stick in the virtual reality- online relay race.
This creative solution combines safety with fun. Teams create a group or conversation on popular communicators such as Messenger, WhatsApp or any other that they use in they company (in the alternative version, you can just call each other). The first person, after beating 5 km, communicates to the rest of the team- via text message, voice message, video or live streaming- about finishing their round and “passes” the virtual stick further.

The next person begins and analogically, 3 last members of the team.

It is a great solution for:

  • By choosing this solution, you avoid meetings and have fun online.
  • It is a great solution for:

teams from companies in which the sanitary restrictions are strictly followed and that do not allow employees for meeting each other;

How to organize mały Bieg Firmowy from 2013-2019? What if we decided to organise a tiny Bieg Firmowy just like the ones we remember from the 2013-2019 editions? If we only do it in a responsible way, remembering about the safety rules- it is possible! A 5-person team organises themselves in a given place (ie in a city park or in a forest) and chooses a 5 km long route. The participants beat the distance in the form of a relay race, one by one. 🙂 This way, you can organise an unusual company integration in a small, 5-person company It is a great solution for: teams that are looking for a way to organise an active company meeting 🙂

creative teams that value fun and integration.

It is a great solution for:

  • It is a great solution for:
  • teams that are looking for a way to organise an active company meeting

Beating 5 km together

Similarly to the 3rd option, you can meet and beat the 5km together. However it does not have to be done in a form of relay race, but just running together.

This allows you to integrate directly during the run – you can together experience the run, talk and motivate each other. If you enjoy it- run further than 5km, nobody can stop an active person! 😉

This way, you also organise an unusual company integration in a small, 5-person company.

It is a great solution for:

  • It is a great solution for:
  • teams that are looking for a way to organise an active company meeting

5. Let’s go for a walk!

You cannot, don’t want to or don’t like running? You cannot, don’t want to or don’t like running? Go for a walk! You do not have to be a professional runner to experience positive moments and help those in need. You can do it independently or together. Invite your friends or families. Turn the app on and simply walk 5 km- for your and other’s health! 🙂 🙂

It is a great solution for:

  • teams that are looking for a nice way to spend time, not necessary in a form of intense physical activity.
  • teams that want to engage their close ones and friends in the activity

No matter which option you choose, remember to take looooaads of photos and record looooaaads of video material! It is a great way to keep memories! You can also tag us with #biegfirmowy or #biegfirmowy2021 or send materials via social media or to biuro@biegfirmowy.pl – then we can show you in our social media! 🙂 biuro@biegfirmowy.pl 🙂

Check out how the teams spent the 2020 edition

Remember, that the formula of the event is elastic and the Activy App is suitable for each of the above solutions. Only you decide in what way you want to experience this event. Wiecie co to work-life-balance, prawda? 🙂 Tutaj też znajdźcie odpowiedni balance między zabawą a odpowiedzialnością. Bawcie się świetnie i korzystajcie z tego pięknego wydarzenia jednocześnie stosując się do aktualnych wytycznych oraz dbając o bezpieczeństwo – swoje i osób w Waszym otoczeniu. 🙂 You know what work-life balance is, right? 🙂 Also here you can find a proper balance between fun and responsibility. Have fun and enjoy this beautiful event along with following the current restrictions and caring for safety- yours and of those around you. 🙂

work-life-balance 🙂 balance:) .

Our adventure with the Company Run has been going on for the third year. Why are we running? Because our employees know how to achieve results in the spirit of healthy competition, they appreciate the good coming from practicing sports, but most of all they want to help people in need of support. – emphasizes Mirela Kik, HR director of ZF CV Systems Poland Sp. z o.o.

ZF – Strategic Sponsor of the event, keeps fingers crossed for all the runners of this year’s Biegu Firmowego!”

Do zobaczenia na starcie! 🙂 🙂

Gotowy? Biegnij z nami!