Good luck, runners!

May 22, 2021

Are you ready for tomorrow’s run? We hope you have been training with us for the last 8 weeks and the form is correct!

If not, remember that the run can be replaced with a walk and at the same time be a support for 8 little heroes from the Everest Foundation. To warm your hearts up, our proteges with the help of their parents have prepared something special for you. Here is the surprise:

You can probably add +1000 points to your motivation levels now, but we also have some words from our Sponsors and Partners of this year’s edition, who support us… also on the running tracks!

Runners dressed in our T-shirts will be representatives of ie: Credit Suisse,, LG, LLW or Katalog Marzeń.

They asked us to forward you the message, that they keep their fingers crossed for your results and wish you the best!

Good luck, runners!

Ready? Run with us!

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