Hey Ambasadors!

May 22, 2021

The run is just around the corner! Meet our unbeatable Ambassadors of the event.

Today we present Ilona Kużmińska from ZF to you, who works in a Global Accounting Team in Wrocław’s office. Ilona is an amateur runner, and since 2020- always as a runner of one of ZF teams- stands on the start of Bieg Firmowy .

She not only enjoys running, but also engages in promoting this form of healthy rivalry. Supporters of Bieg Firmowy are strongly familiar with the content engaging to physical activity she shares on the company’s intranet .

Maciej Napoleon Ogrodnik works in Devinity, is responsible for sports channels including dietician advice or newest trends related to a healthy lifestyle.

However, a job is not the only thing Maciej lives for, because you can meet him also as a double-student of Wrocław University of Science and Technology and of University School of Physical Education in Wrocław. His biggest passion is triathlon and this year he will have a chance to debut in the World’s Championship on an Ironman distance 70.3! You can also recognize him from Polsat TV station, where he tried his best in Ninja Warrior Poland.

Our ambassador loves to share his knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and encourages to spend time outside in an active way. . Each Tuesday, he takes care of an intense workout of Deviniti’s team, and for over 2 years he engages in the charity relay race of Bieg Firmowy.

Ilona, Maciek, you’re the best! We’re glad to have you with us!

Ready? Run with us!

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